Rune Rooms

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Rune Room door locked.pngRune Room Door.png

Rune Rooms are special rooms that can change many elements of the run. Rune Rooms require two File:Keys.png keys to be opened, unlike most other special rooms. For a Rune Room to spawn, two things must happen;

  • The floor Isaac is going to is the second floor of a chapter or the first floor of an alternate chapter (Downpour,  Dross,  Mines,  Ashpit,  Mausoleum,  Gehenna and Corpse)
  • If Isaac has 2 or more keys, a Vault has a 1/3 chance to spawn and Rune Rooms has a 20% chance to replace it.


To activate the room's unique floor-wide effect, Isaac must step on the 4 pads located in the room. The effect depends on the type rune which appears on the pads. The runes and effects are:

  • HagalazIcon.pngHagalaz ‐ Destroys all rocks in each room.
  • JeraIcon.pngJera ‐ Grants the Contract from Below effect.
  • EhwazIcon.pngEhwaz ‐ Spawns a trapdoor to the Great Gideon special crawlspace.
  • DagazIcon.pngDagaz ‐ Prevents champion enemies from spawning.
  • AnsuzIcon.pngAnsuz ‐ Grants the Mercurius effect.
  • PerthroIcon.pngPerthro ‐ Items switch between two possibilities.
  • BerkanoIcon.pngBerkano ‐ Killing enemies spawns blue flies and spiders.
  • AlgizIcon.pngAlgiz ‐ Grants a 7 sec shield in each room.
  • GeboIcon.pngGebo ‐ Has a chance of spawning a slot in each room.
  • KenazIcon.pngKenaz ‐ When entering an uncleared room, poisons all enemies.
  • FehuIcon.pngFehu ‐ Grants midas tears that turn enemies golden.
  • OthalaIcon.pngOthala ‐ Grants a temporary copy of a random item for each room.
  • IngwazIcon.pngIngwaz ‐ Most chests work like eternal chests.
  • SowiloIcon.pngSowilo ‐ Spawns a friendly version of the lowest hp enemy when clearing a room.


Should i even?





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