Beggars and Machines

From The Binding of Isaac Compliance Wiki
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Beggars and Machines are various interactable objects and NPCs that usually all cost some form of resource such as Coins, Keys, Bombs or Hearts to interact with, and may grant some kind of reward in return.

Compliance mods currently adds one new machine to find ingame!


Walking up to the machine and bumping into it will cost one penny. In exchange, the machine has a chance to recharge 1 to 3 charges of Isaac's currently held active item. It also has a chance to do nothing or harmlessly shock Isaac. The harmless shock has the same effects as Voodoo Pin.png Voodoo Pin, and will ignore File:Holy Mantle.png Holy Mantle.

The machine is also able to add an extra two levels of charge to active items, similar to the File:The Battery.png The Battery, with one extra level.

The machine will not charge File:Alabaster Box.png Alabaster Box, instead always harmlessly shocking Isaac.

If destroyed, it drops several File:Pickups.png Pickups.


  • TBA